Learn Pet Law

Federal and state laws affect you and your pet. Many pet owners have more rights than they realize. Click the Learn button to start your research, or scroll down for our legal categories.


Make Documents

Our collection of free fill-in-the-black legal forms are there to help you. Documents include pet adoption agreements, pet prenuptial agreements to help in the event of a separation or divorce, pet wills and pet trusts if your pets outlive you, and more.


Find Help

Although this site provides general legal information and self-help legal forms, sometimes assistance from an attorney is the only thing that can best secure your rights. Help finding a pet-friendly lawyer is available.


Pet Adoption

Although pet adoption can be a wonderful time, it can also have legal problems. Private sellers, breeders, kennels, and shelters must follow multiple state laws when adopting out a new pet.

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Assistance Animals

Service dogs and other types of assistance animals have laws protecting them and the people they serve.

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Wills and Trusts

Proper estate planning in the form of a will or a trust can help ensure that your pets, in the event of your death or incapacity, are quickly and safely moved to your chosen caregiver with adequate funds to support them.

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The latest news and legal developments in the field of pet law.

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Easy Pet Law is a project by Oregon-licensed attorney, Brian Cavner, to increase legal accessibility. Learn more.